Math Gamification


Дисциплины: "Анализ данных", Data Analysis, Game Theory, Decision Making 
Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ 

Nastya Kiryukhina, IFF 2-1, 2018


Google class was very convenient, easy to use and update the deadlines, to download home task. I spent quite a lot of time on R homework because it is complicated for person who is not accustomed to programming. Sometimes it was hard to find the right commands to solve the problem, as there are no good resources in the internet.

Everything was really good and understandable, Kahoots are a great way to remember material!


Robert Barzhaev, IFF 2-2, 2018


I think, the Chicken game that explained to me how to act and what variants I have in risky situations could help in professional&personal life

I spend around 1 hour for every homework and I think most difficult tasks we have to solve are in R-Studio.

Valentina Shchekaleva, IFF 2-3, 2018

I think choosing a dominant strategy and calculating with help of simplex method are useful in life, because making choices is always hard,

I didn't spend a lot of time doing homework. So, it was just the right amount of work.

Spartak Petrosyan, IFF 2-3, 2018


I used this book to prepare for seminars: "Essentials of game theory" I used youtube lectures also. But this is not necessary.The materials given by the teacher are enough. I recommend students to be attentive during lectures and seminars.

Pay-off matrices help to analyze all variants in a situation and make the best choice, maximazing pay-off and minimazing losses. You know what you and your opponent win/lose. This is useful when you work in a large company and choose your strategy to survive.

Nastya Platitsyna, IFF 2-1, 2018


It takes me from 1 hour to 1,5 hours to complete the hometask. Sometimes I just don't understand how to solve it. Deadlines really help during the preparation of the hometask. I am satisfied with the abilities which gives us Google Class.

I have just performed the Kahoot-test for my group, I wouldn't say it was so successful as I expected.

Seth Chishimba IFF 2-3, 2018


I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your wisdom and knowledge you have give us during the short period of time we spent together in lectures and seminars. it has not been an easy journey but one with so much to remember and look back to and draw inspiration. on a personal note, you have been kind and helpful to me. for that am very grateful. to me you have not only been a teacher but also a great friend. You inspired me a lot.

зав. каф. АСУ БРУ

д.т.н. А.И, Якимов


Благодарен Вам за замечательный курс лекций, Такой курс - это событие!

Но не все из того чему Вы нас научили реализовано в 2019 году, поэтому поздравляю с Новым годом и надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество!

ст. преп. каф. АСУ БРУ

И.А. Беккер


Спасибо за встряску и перезагрузку мозгов ;) Все очень умно и полезно! Вы нас очень продвинули, мы стараемся быть в теме и развиваться!

Nadezhda Korol, IFF 2-2, 2018


It was my favorite subject. I liked doing individual presentations, because it helps to understand the material given in class.  It would be great to learn more examples of games, that we face in real life (like how to avoid car accidents).

Ilicheva Polina, IFF 2-2, 2018


I presented 5 games for 2 players, explained in details the rules and played with class each of them. My groupmates were engaged in this task and understood everything due to the interactive way of presentation

Thomas Olsthoorn, exchange programme, 2018


The topic of game theory is very interesting, normally you don't think a lot about the theory and psychology behind certain decisions or games but this has taught me a great deal about these topics. I hadn't learned any game theory before my exchange programme and I'm very happy I chose your subject at it is out of the ordinary and very interesting.